Last week, I gave up on teaching my newest sub anything. In fact, I’ve decided not to play with “switches” anymore at all ever again! I’ve had five switches ….count them….FIVE….in the last year, and I have found the exact same defects in all of them.
First and foremost, in my opinion switches do not take submission seriously. They want to submit, but only on THEIR terms. Translated into plain English that means that they want to “top from the bottom,” and I have a definite and decided dislike of THAT!
Secondly, switches have an ego problem. The problem seems to be that their egos are roughly the size of Montana ! Not only do they only want to “submit” on THEIR own terms, but they know EXACTLY HOW they should be submitting! Since they already KNOW how to submit, they don’t need to be TAUGHT anything! How convenient for them!
Thirdly, switches have some serious “trust” issues. In order to truly submit to someone you have to be able to trust that person. All FIVE of the switches I have played with have had problems trusting me enough to let go and truly submit to me. Funny thing that NONE of my “true submissives” have EVER had a problem trusting me at all! Only the switches.
Fourthly, and this is just an interesting fact more than anything else, ALL of the switches I’ve played with have been divorced! I’m not sure if that has anything at all to do with the REST of their issues, but it certainly is an interesting fact and has bearing on their trust issues if nothing else.
Fifthly, when does "topping from the bottom" become passive agressive behavior? As illustrated in the cartoon above and the caption below it, if I tell a sub to wear "pink panties" and he puts on a "pink thong" he is obviously NOT following my directions, but acting in a passive-agressive manner. It is the equivalent of sticking his tongue out like a petulant child, crossing his arms and saying to my face, "I'm not gonna, and you can't make me!" Well, the question here is, does the sub WANT to submit or not? I'm not going to argue the semantics that a "thong" actually IS a type of "panty" and therefore he IS following my directions. This kind of behavior is only good for one thing, and that is to rebel against a Domme's authority in a passive-agressive manner. If a sub is going to act in a passive-agressive way, I'm not going to waste my time on him. Period.
At any rate, I am NOT interested in playing with switches anymore EVER again! Switches simply are not submissive enough for me. For those of you who actually ENJOY playing with switches...more power to you. You can play with MY share! I certainly don't want them!
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